Tag building

Beatles place: New York, Dakota Building (entrance)

The Dakota Building is a residential building located in the Upper West Side of New York City. It was designed by architect Edward Clark and built in 1884. The building’s main entrance is a double-height archway on 72nd Street, which leads to the courtyard.John lived in… Continue Reading →

Beatles place: New York, 105 Bank Street, Greenwich Village

On the 16th October 1971, John and Yoko moved to this loft at 105 Bank Street in trendy Greenwich Village, Manhattan. They lived here untill february 1972 renting it from Jerry Butler of the Lovin’ Spoonful.It had two large rooms… Continue Reading →

Beatles place: New York, Dakota Building (from 72nd street Central Park entrance)

The Dakota Building near Central Park, New York. John lived here with Yoko during the last 8 years of his life. December 8, 1980 Lennon’s life was taken in the entrance of this building (at 72nd street). Yoko still lives… Continue Reading →

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